Weekly poster project

It’s 11:38 PM. Far too late to be sitting at the kitchen table with Griffin (roommate) sipping decaf. Yes here we are.

This week, I started yet another ongoing project. Me, Griffin and our friend Catherine will each be designing a poster every week and sharing with each other for critique for fun. This is partly inspired by a friend of mine, Kelsey Robinson, who championed Proj. 52, where in he designed a poster every week for a year.

As we progress, I’ll post my progress here.
The first one, inspired by the word fish, is not super clean, not super polished, but it’s finished. It’s experience. It’s a project that I started and completed, and that’s what matters. The posters will improve, and hopefully the dedication to the project will as well.

And here is progress on another.

A snapshot of the process.



