The artwork of Jason Polan

Today, this blog post from Austin Kleon introduced me to a charming new artist – Jason Polan.

Jason died on January 27, 2020.

I’d like to continue learning more about Jason, “one of the quirkiest and most prolific denizens of the New York art scene.” But from the little I know about him now, it seems like Jason is someone I’d like to be like. Ambitious, hard working, consistent.

On multiple occasions, Jason sketches every piece of artwork in the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).

In this video, Jason said “I think there’s a quality in quantity.” I agree with him whole-heartedly.

After reading and watching a little bit about Jason, and seeing his artwork, I was inspired to go back to a past project of mine, a comic strip called Stephanie and Carl. I drew Stephanie and Carl today for the first time in many months, and hope to keep drawing them.



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