Category: Project

  • Sharpie and Newsprint: A Collection

    I spent a chunk of my evening alone in the apartment drawing these 18×24″ sharpie-on-newsprint scenes. It was quite a fun process, and, as always happens when I pick up a pen or a paint brush, it made me want to do more traditional work. But it makes me want to draw with sharpie and…

  • Lino Cut Crow

    The other day, I carved a lino-cut for the first time in about six months. I chose a crow with a feather in its cap, because me and two friends do a poster challenge together every weekend. This weekend, instead of choosing a specific medium or design, we chose a word. Each of our three…

  • Quantity Masks Crudity

    Even crude work becomes impressive in high enough quantity. Like Jason Polan’s Every Person in New York. Pretty much anything becomes impressive or beautiful to us humans in high enough quantity. LEGO clone troopers. Layers of paint. Words repeated a 100,000 times in a row. Sometimes, if you find yourself struggling to create a singular…

  • Project 52, week 9

    Me and two friends are still doing a weekly poster design challenge. Every Sunday, we share our poster we made that week with each other – though usually it’s made that day, and sometimes not made until Monday or Tuesday. Here is mine from this week (today)! I made it while watching a Skillshare class…

  • A Coffee Illustration

    I spent about 9 hours today working on this illustration for the local coffee shop I’m rebranding (Interval MKE). Fun to be working on a project and for a team that allows this type of fun creativity and illustration. That’s all.

  • A video to vote

    I spent much of the day today creating this video. It was created for a political campaign in Wisconsin, though the goal of the video is not to promote one presidential candidate over the other, but instead simply to promote early voting in general. It was a fun video to make. Not amazing, but fun…

  • Collage

    The other day, Austin Kleon (gee I’ve been mentioning his name a lot, inspiration comes in phases and waves) posted this. “Kick the world, break your foot.” Both a wonderful sentiment and a beautiful image. That same day, inspired, I picked up a newspaper off the street and my sister gave me an old illustrated…

  • the Social Dilemma

    Netflix released a documentary called the Social Dilemma – discussing and demonstrating the dangers of social media on the future of youth, mental health, wellness, politics and the human race It was incredibly impactful, and I can only recommend you watch it on your own – it is valuable time spent. While I was watching,…