Tag: masterclass

  • The Future of Learning

    Nearly a year ago, amidst a new world of online learning, I made the decision to drop out of school. As my friends and peers soon made the journey back to schools across the country, I started to take Masterclass and Skillshare courses in an attempt to continue my own personal education. I was immediately…

  • Stop talking small

    Yesterday, I finished Malcolm Gladwell’s wonderfully enjoyable MasterClass. Today, I started David Sedaris‘ MasterClass. I hadn’t read any of Sedaris’ work until starting the first volume of his published diaries, Theft by Finding, last week. One of the things he talks about in the first section of his class is the abolishment of small talk…

  • Lessons from Malcolm Gladwell’s masterclass

    1. The ultimate question is “what is interesting?” – Imperfection is interesting – Failure can be interesting 2. Interesting doesn’t mean it’s clean or that the protagonist gets what they want. 3. Incomplete stories, without that final piece that wraps it up nicely, can be the stories that stick in a readers mind the longest……

  • Margaret Atwood’s rule of conflict

    Today is the 20th day of my 30-Minutes-of-Learning-Challenge. Gosh, it just rolls off the tongue.Yesterday, I finished a fantastic course on storytelling by Neil Gaiman on Masterclass. Today, I started a course on creative writing (again on Masterclass) by Margaret Atwood. One thing she said in this first lesson really stuck out to me. “A…