This post serves as a record of my first apartment (outside of school), leased August, 2020.

Here is where I was (am) most often. Sitting on the center cushion of the couch. Griffin always sits on the chair.

We decorated with much of our own artwork.

Here is my messy bedroom… Off of the living room. I forced myself not to clean it at all before taking pictures. In future, I’m sure I will wish I had.

The wide-lens camera on the iPhone 12 mini is significantly worse than the normal camera.

I usually start my day in the kitchen, making coffee – often while listening to the Daily, the Joncast, or Adventures in Odyssey. Then, I’ll usually read a couple chapters in the Bible, then often read a little bit of whatever other book I’m in at the moment. Right now it’s The Borrowers and Theft by Finding. I’ll usually sit in Griffin’s chair to read.
If I’ve got work projects I’m working on, I’ll jump into those next. I’ve watched a couple of mid-morning movies in the last couple of weeks, because things have been slow. It’s helpful to take a quick walk in the morning too.
Throughout the day, I’ll work a little bit, read some more, watch some videos, draw a little, write a little – I’m good at filling my time. I’m often in the apartment all day, sitting on the couch or a the kitchen table for most of it. I don’t listen to a lot of music right now, I’m listening to the Moonflower Murders by Anthony Horowitz. In the middle of 3 books, sheesh…
My days seem to slip by of their own accord. I don’t usually work more than 4 or 5 hours in a day, and the last couple weeks it’s been more like 1 hour a day to tell the truth. But I’m always full of my own projects, and I enjoy the time I have. Some day I will be crazy busy and I won’t enjoy it. Or hopefully I will! But right now, I enjoy being not busy. I do wish I had some more friends in Milwaukee though.

While we’re recording things, here is my current car: The Mare. She is a 2004 Honda Civic, with 131k miles. I just bought her a couple weeks ago from a small slightly sketchy dealership in Chicagoland. She was $3,100. I still don’t have correct plates, title or insurance for her… The Wisconsin DMV is taking its time. She’s missing the handles on the right side, but she drives like a charm.